Wind power, along with other renewable power sources, are less predictable than the conventional energy resources. The transition to a power system with a larger share of renewable energy has thus created a need for new forecasting methods and tools.
The project “Operation of frequency control schemes in power systems with large amounts of wind power” has developed new tools and methods for forecasting wind power, taking into account the forecast errors associated with this power resource. Thus, these tools consider a wide range of future operating conditions. Also, unlike the N-1 criterion commonly used today, the methods takes into account the likelihood of certain scenarios to occur.
This lessens the need for setting margins to ensure secure management of the power system, and in the long run, facilitates the integration of a larger share of wind power.
Här har forskarna utvecklat en metod för frekvensreglering i kraftsystem med stora mängder vindkraft, mellan25 och 50%. Målet har varit att utveckla och verifiera en metod för att kunna beakta osäkerheter i driften och att bestämma produktionsomfördelning via tertiärreglering. Det ska leda till ett minskat behov av att sätta överföringsmarginaler, vilket i sin tur innebär att användningen av de befintliga resurserna kan optimeras.