Subject area

Solar and Wind

The share of electricity from renewable sources such as wind and solar is steadily increasing as a result of decreasing cost and increasing ambitions for climate mitigation. Energiforsk initiates research to secure target fulfilment to meet future demand with zero emissions.

To reach climate and energy targets technological and socio-economic knowledge need to be strengthened regarding the integration and role of solar and wind in the overall power system. It is however evident that introduction of renewable electricity in the system is a necessary part of successfully decarbonising the industry and transport sector. Today solar and wind power make up 18 percentage of the electricity used in Sweden. To reach our targets this it is likely that production from renewable sources must increase threefold by 2045.

Energiforsk is a part of this transition and therefore manages programmes and industry networks in solar and wind, continuously pushing the development of renewable energy. Our industry networks gather and disseminates knowledges through projects and industry collaborations.

News update

Nytt verktyg kan öka lönsamheten för solkraft: "Optimerar utifrån avkastning"

I ett Energiforskprojekt har ett nytt och unikt beräkningsverktyg för solcellsprojektörer tagits fram som tar hänsyn till lokala väderförhållanden och till prissignaler från elmarknaden.

17 apr 2023 - Sol och vind

Vindforsk tar fram fakta om vindkraft för att stötta kommuner

Forskningsprogrammet Vindforsk satsar nu på att ta fram faktaunderlag till kommunerna i och med att många nya kommunpolitiker har tillträtt efter valet.

27 dec 2022 - Sol och vind

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