
Nordic Nuclear Power Generator Stator Vibrations

Updated 2024-08-14 Published 2019-10-21

This report provides broad support for handling vibrations in the stator of a turbo generator, with the emphasis on 2-pole generators with a focus on end windings and the stator core.

The foundation for this support is basic knowledge of dimensioning and design requirements with regard to the main components of the stator. To this has been added basic knowledge about excitation and vibrational dynamics, as well as methods for data collection, evaluation and risk assessments.

Actual events are described for the 2-pole generators included in the study as well as adequate and comparable events from external power plants.

Finally, the design of generator maintenance is described with the aim of enabling adequate and conscious decisions based on the production safety that is sought with identified risks.


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About the report

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Kent Engvall, Gabor Csaba