
First winter with electricity trading platforms

Sweden is part part of the EU project CoordiNet with the ambition to contribute to the development of a smart, secure and more resilient energy system. The Swedish pilot started last fall with the completion of the trading platform and the engagement of customers in some cities and one municipality in Sweden.

The main scope of these pilots is to handle tight electricity network capacity day-ahead with customer flexibility. The pilots are run in a distribution network run by Vattenfall in the city of Uppsala, and in Malmö in a distribution network run by E.ON. There is also one pilot in the municipality of Gotland. Gotland is an island and the distribution network company is a subsidiary of Vattenfall distribution. All these pilots manages tight network capacity day-ahead with customer flexibility.

Day ahead capacity bids
The products that are being traded are defined in collaboration with customers,
distribution system operators and the Swedish transmission system operator. Examples of products are the “day ahead capacity free bid” and “the day ahead capacity firm bid”. The bids are put the day before delivery. The free bid has a minimum size of 1megawatt, but can be 0.1 megawatt for innovations. The size of the firm bid is negotiated. The bids are activated manually, and different methods of verification of delivery is currently being tested. In Malmö 60 megawatt of customer flexibility was found including heating and other distribution system operators.

–The results of this demonstration show that the project has produced valuable insights already at this point which provides us with a great starting point for demonstration number two and the continuation of the project, says Christoffer Isendahl Business Developer at E.ON Energidistribution.

Gotland succeeded to attract 4 megawatt of capacity this winter from a whisky distillery and a heating company. In Uppsala 90 megawatt of customer capacity was willing to participate. Among these were real estate companies, heating companies and some large industrial customers.

This winter was very mild. Consequently the need for flexibility was low. However, trades have been made to test that the system works. The first winter with the Swedish pilot is currently being evaluated.

A snapshot of the trading platform in the picture above. More about The CoordiNet project.
