Den här konferensen är avslutad
24 november, Stockholm

Energy or Capacity

Crucial choices for the future electricity system design

Recent developments in European electricity markets suggest that Europe has taken a path where generation capacity firmness may be crucial to keep the European lights on. We are increasingly concerned with the fact that there must at all timeframes be enough generation capacity available to meet demand.

Technical advances and the desire to move to an electricity system including a large amount of non-dispatchable technologies can mean that we need to re-think how to include the end-users, and also for what we charge. Is the future customer charged for energy that has been used or for the capacity subscribed to?

Are European Energy policies fundamentally impacting working business models? How do new policies change the stakeholder roles, and the welfare distribution?

In the spirit of the research program EFORIS a variety of academics, industry and authorities will be represented at this conference.

From research to policy to business models, this conference will have something for everyone! Come and be part of the conversation!

Register for the seminar at the latest by November 16th!

Date: November 24th 2016, 09.00-15.30
Where: City Conference Centre, (Folkets hus),
Barnhusgatan 12-14, Stockholm, Sweden
The conference is free of charge.


Keynote speakers
Charlotte Renauld,Euroelectric
Jens Lundgren, Acting Chief Economist Swedish NRA

Session 1:
What are the policy choices?
Electricity markets need fixing -what can a TSO do? Risto Lindroos, Fingrid
Challenges, policy choices and the future of the market: An economist's view.
Eirik S. Amundsen, University of Bergen

Keynote speaker
Bente Hagem, ENTSOe

Session 2:
Adjusting the energy only market?
The reason for an Irish market for ancillary services. Marios Zarifakis, ESB
A market for inertia. Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Session 3:
Customers and value to customers 
Electricity market is broken – what can be done? Malcolm Keay, Oxford University
Voll – value of lost load – some issues. Runar Brännlund/Thomas Broberg, Umeå University

15.30 End of seminar

Register here please!

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