November 23rd 2017
Keynote speaker
Ulla Sandborg
Generaldirektör, Svenska kraftnät
Session 1 The state of the market and policy choices?
This session includes the following presentations: Time for a second electricity market reform? Many goals, one market? and The changing world and investments.
Lars Bergman
Professor, Stockholm School of Economics
Christoph Böhringer
Prof. Dr. Department of Economics, University of Oldenburg
Anne-Malorie Geron
Session 2 New roles?
This session includes the following presentations: Flexibility choices for distribution networks and The Aggregator role in a market context.
Marcus Merkel
Senior Advisor to the Board of Management, EWE NETZ
Tim Mennel
Senior Consultant, Markets & Policy Development, DNV GL Europe
Session 3 – Customers and value to customers
This session includes the following presentations: Security of supply in Germany versus Sweden and Demand Response.
Paul Lehmann
Dr, University of Leipzig
Lars Persson
Head of doctoral studies Department of economics, CERE Umeå School of Business and Economics
Concluding Panel
Marcus Merkel
Senior Advisor to the Board of Management, EWE NETZ
Catarina Naucler
Forskningschef, Fortum Sweden
Mats Nilsson
Professor, Energy Market Inspectorate
Patrik Söderholm
Professor, Luleå University of Technology
Pernilla Winnhed
CEO Swedenergy
End of seminar

Price and registration

When and where

Date: November 23rd 2017
9.00 to 9.30
Conference: 9.30 to 15.30
Fee: The conference is free of charge

Register here

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