26 - 28 maj, Hybrid: Luleå University of Technology and online (Teams)

SVC Research School Spring 2025

During week 22 you have the chance to learn more about Ecohydraulics. The course intends to give an introduction to fluvial hydraulics, river modelling and the link between ecology and flow.

SVC Research School takes place during week 22. The course will give an introduction to rivers and geomorphology, river engineering and modelling, habitat modelling and bioenergetics.

The course will be given as lectures with a half-day practical river modelling assignment.

Points:                               2 hp (ECTS)

Examination:                    Examination is done by active participation and approved assignment.

Grading:                            Pass or Fail

Examiner:                         Associate professor Anders Andersson, LTU.

Literature:                        Will be provided during the course.



Pris och anmälan


May 26-28 2025.


Hybrid Luleå University of Technology + Teams.


Send an email to: Professor Michel Cervantes, Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics, Luleå University of Technology


Free for Students and partners of the Center and for international PhD students and students. 
For others: 5000 SEK excluding VAT.




For information about this event please contact Michel Cervantes 


