This conference is completed
14 september, Webbinarium

Catch up of KME results

Warmly welcome to catch up of results within the ongoing KME projects. Note that we also welcome proposals on interesting talks at the end of the webinar!

KME, Konsortium Materialteknik för Termiska Energiprocesser, is at the forefront of developing material technology to create maximum efficiency for energy conversion of renewable fuels and waste. KME has its sights firmly set on continuing to raise the efficiency of long-term sustainable energy as well as ensuring international industrial competitiveness.

Because the challenge of implementing environmentally sustainable energy is both complex and vital, KME consortium is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency together with stakeholders from the energy industry, manufacturers of systems and components for energy conversion and material producers.


11 Mar

18 Mar
Ångströmlaboratoriet, Uppsala
Hydropower R&D days 2025