This conference is completed
23 - 24 januari, Stockholm

Digitalization in nuclear

The Energiforsk Annual Nuclear Conference 2018 had the theme digitalization. The Nordic nuclear industry is facing a challenge of low future electricity prices requiring a renewed focus on cost-effective long-term operation and maintenance rather than deployment of large investment programs. Digitalization is an important tool to overcome these obstacles.

The society-wide penetration of digitalization has created new opportunities within a range of industrial and business areas. This conference aimed at presenting opportunities and challenges connected to digitalization in nuclear power plants and how digitalization can be a tool to manage upcoming market driven challenges. The seminar was moderated by Kristiina Söderholm, lead of digital transformation at Fortum. Carl Berglöf, Energiföretagen, has summarized the findings from the conference in English and in Swedish.

Link to English summary

Link to Swedish summary

Program and documentation

08:30     Registration

09:00     Welcome
Anders Wik, Vattenfall and Monika Adsten, Energiforsk

Introduction - Possibilities and challenges

09:10     Keynote speech: Digitisation in Nuclear - Harnessing Data Science for Enhanced Through Life Management of Nuclear Plants.
Prof. Stephen McArthur, Professor of Intelligent Energy Systems and Deputy Associate Principal, University of Strathclyde, UK

09:50     Digitalization in energy and nuclear: Engagement & Leadership
Kristiina Söderholm, lead of digital transformation, Fortum

10.20     Coffee break

Operation and Maintenance – Global nuclear deployment

10:35     Digitalization and Innovation – practical experience and lessons learned
Joan Knight, Innovation director nuclear, Exelon

11:15     Lunch

12:15     Digitalization of Nuclear Power Plants at EDF
Patrick Morilhat, Program director R&D, EDF

12:55     Digital Technology supporting Nuclear Operation & Maintenance
Erin Joy, Director of Digital Nuclear Services, GE Hitachi

13:35     Short break

Inspection and Decommissioning

13:50     VR-applications in Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant
Joachim Lindström, digitalization coach, Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant/ KSU

14:10     Digital tools ready for a cost-effective decommissioning
Mats R Olsson, Marketing manager BWR Engineering, Westinghouse

14:30     Coffee break

Operation and Maintenance – emerging possibilities

15:10     Possibilities and challenges of metal additive manufacturing
Håkan Brodin, Specialist material science, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB

15:40     Increased business value with digital twin
Hans Bjarnehed, ÅF and Jakob Dotevall, Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant

16:00     Computerized Procedures
Mikael Åslund, Westinghouse Electric Sweden

16:20     Concluding remarks
Kristiina Söderholm, Lead of digital transformation, Fortum

16:30     End of seminar



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