This conference is completed
30 september, Webbinarium

Flexible Turbines

This is the second out of four webinars, hosted by the Swedish Hydropower Center, SVC, and HydroFlex.

In this webinar series researchers will present the latest results from the HydroFlex project. The project aims towards scientific and technological solutions that enable hydropower to operate with high flexibility in order to utilize full power and storage capabilities.

Experts in the field have been invited to discuss the future of Norwegian and Swedish hydropower in the European energy system.

Preliminary Agenda

Introduction to HydroFlex WP3 - Igor Iliev (NTNU)

Keynote I Adjustable guide vanes in hydraulic turbine draft tube: A concept to control pressure pulsations - Jesline Joy (LTU)

Keynote II A tool for hydraulic and mechanical design of guide vane system - Marija Lazarevikj (UKIM)

Comments & Discussion - Discussants TBA

Moderator: TBA

Learn more about the other webinars hosted by HydroFlex and SVC

Webinar 1: Hydropower in the European Energy System: Future Flexibility Requirements 

Webinar 3: Flexibility of Generator and Converter

Webinar 4: Environmental Impacts and Mitigation


11 Mar

18 Mar
Ångströmlaboratoriet, Uppsala
Hydropower R&D days 2025