Den här konferensen är avslutad
19 - 20 januari, Stockholm

Is there a role for nuclear in the Nordic energy system in the future?

Welcome you to a seminar on the role of nuclear power in the Nordic energy system held by the Energiforsk Nuclear Research Program and North European Power Perspectives.

The electricity producers are facing many challenges given the current situation with low energy prices and market measures aimed at restructuring the energy system towards more renewables and small local energy production. These challenges are particularly pronounced for producers of nuclear energy, where safety related investment demands and regulations also append additional production costs. Due to the difficult financial situation, owners of Swedish nuclear power plants have decided on early decommissioning of four Swedish plants. This will affect especially the power balance. The Finnish situation is also challenging, but despite of this nuclear power plants are under construction. Internationally, many countries are investing in construction of nuclear power to obtain low carbon electricity.

The seminar will provide an overview of the role of nuclear power in the Nordic electricity system, today and tomorrow. Furthermore, presentations on the impact of early decommissioning on industry, environment, health and competence supply will be given.


Monika Adsten and Stefan Montin, Energiforsk

When: 19-20 January, 2016

WhereDay 1: IVA, The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, Grev Turegatan 16, Stockholm
              Day 2: Bygget Konferens, Norrlandsgatan 11, Stockholm

Program: click here to view the complete program

Registration: click here to register Last day to sign up is January 17. 




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