This conference is completed
8 november, Stockholm

Vibrations in nuclear applications 2017

The annual seminar of the Energiforsk research program Vibrations 2017 was held on November 8 in Stockholm. During the seminar, results from recent research projects on vibrations in nuclear applications were presented. We had also invited other organizations and researchers to present interesting results that are within the scope of the Vibrations program.

Documentation from the seminar:

Welcome, Monika Adsten Energiforsk and Tobias Törnström, OKG

Status of turbines and generators in OKG, Carl Möller and Kent Andersson, OKG

Status of turbines and generators in Fennovoima, Nhan Huynh, Fennovoima

Turbine and generator vibrations, Prof. Rainer Nordmann

Analysis of the Influence Coefficient Matrix for On-site Balancing of Flexible Rotors, Bastien Abrate, GE

Torsional vibrations in shaft trains, Harald Breitbach, Wölfel

Model-based Monitoring of Torsional Vibration: Operational Experience and Predix Integration, Thomas Krueger (speaker), Mateusz Golebiowski and Eric Knopf, GE  (published within shortly)

Pipe vibrations – Analysis and mitigation, Mikko Merikoski, FS Dynamics

Multi physic measurements solves mechanical problems, Claes Fredö, Qring

Numerical modelling of FIV of nuclear fuel rods, Afaque Shams, NRG

The influence of heat exchangers on water hammer pressure transients, Kristian Angele and Eric Lillberg, Vattenfall R&D


11 Mar

18 Mar
Ångströmlaboratoriet, Uppsala
Hydropower R&D days 2025