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27 april, Webinar

Wireless in nuclear applications – development in the U.S.

This webinar was arranged to communicate a field trip to study how wireless solutions are implemented in the U.S. nuclear power plants.

This webinar is uploaded to Energiforsk´s channel on Youtube.

Wireless infrastructure is a prerequisite for modern operation of Nuclear Power Plants. It has traditionally not been used in nuclear applications, mainly due to restrictions in safety and security. Lately many plants have started using it, mainly in non-safety applications. The development of wireless technology and applications is very strong, and the technology is widely used in other industries.

The U.S. nuclear power plants and suppliers of wireless solutions have come quite far regarding implementing wireless solutions in different nuclear applications. A field trip to gain from the U.S. experiences was carried out during February 2020. A group of NPP experts led by Fredrik Bengtsson, AFRY, visited EPRI, Dominion, Exelon and met with Duke and AMS corporation to get information on their experience and strategies regarding wireless in nuclear.

Some of the findings from the trip:

  • Regardless of which wireless solution that will be used, a backbone is needed, preferably fiber backbone
  • Identify use cases at the plant and prioritize - this will be the basis for your wireless solution.
  • Leverage modular designs, to reduce costs and support future expansion


Webinar program:

Time (CET)



Welcome, Monika Adsten, Energiforsk


Presentation of US development, Fredrik Bengtsson, AFRY



Takeaways from NPP experts from Fortum and Ringhals
Forsmark takeaways (could not be delivered during webinar due to technical problems)


Discussion and questions


The area of wireless applications in connection to instrumentation and control (I&C) of NPPs is highly interesting, why a feasibility study and an international seminar on wireless in nuclear during were carried out 2017/2018.

The webinar was arranged by the Energiforsk Nuclear Safety Related I&C (ENSRIC) R&D program, that is financed by Swedish and Finnish NPPs plus the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority. 


The ENSRIC steering group/Monika Adsten, Energiforsk


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