
Safety Demonstration Plan Guide

Uppdaterad 2024-08-14 Publicerad 2018-08-09

In this guide a generalized method is presented for how to plan and perform safety demonstration for instrumentation and control systems in nuclear power plants. The method is developed to be applicable for large as well as small projects and for new build and modifications projects. The method is based on several different national and international experiences.

Three important purposes for performing Safety Demonstration are identified in this guide. The first is to convince oneself, in the project and as Licensee, that the plant is safe during and after the project implementation and document the basis for that conclusion. The second purpose is to demonstrate the safety, with argumentation and evidence, to reviewers and the regulating authority. The last and not least of the three, is to minimize both licensing and commercial risks linked to the project and the overall investment.

The guide suggests a structure for how to plan a Safety Demonstration and a life cycle model with phases related to normal project development phases. The most important phase of Safety Demonstration is the planning phase. The focus of the guide is to give a general model for Safety Demonstration and it also provides useful detailed references for specific problem areas when it comes to digital I&C systems in safety critical applications.

Using the method suggested in this guide should simplify the performance of Safety Demonstration and facilitate the possibility to exchange experiences between projects, between Swedish and Finnish sites as well as between authorities.


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Marie-Louise Axenborg & Pontus Ryd