
Flow measurements in hydraulic turbines

Uppdaterad 2023-09-21 Publicerad 2019-07-30

The goal of the project is to follow the development of flow measurements in hydraulic turbines.

This project will investigate the effects of runner change on the Winter-Kennedy method with the help of numerical simulations for trapezoidal semi-spiral casing. The factors limiting the Winter-Kennedy method with the help of numerical simulations for circular full spiral casing will also be looked into. 

The Winter-Kennedy method is widely used in Sweden. Accurate flow measurements in hydraulic turbines with this method are essential:

  • after a refurbishment to determine the efficiency step-up between an old and a new turbine configuration
  • to asses and optimize the productivity of a machine, e.g., CAM curve determination or continuous measurements

The pressure-time method is less used in Sweden. However, its development will allow

  • an alternative method to determine the efficiency step-up between an old and a new configuration after a refurbishment and complete Winter-Kennedy measurements
  • to assess the efficiency of a machine during transient operation when regulating the grid

Om projektet


Michel Cervantes, LTU


juli 2018 - juni 2020