Den här konferensen är avslutad
8 - 12 augusti, Askersund

Register now for GasAkademin

Late birds registration open until June 30th! GasAkademin is a cooperation between the gas industry and the academia in Sweden resulting in a week-long summer school with focus on production, transport and utilisation of energy gas.

Starting 2016, the summer school is a project within the EU Interreg V program Biogas2020 and also includes Denmark and Norway.

The aim of the summer school is to provide a broad system understanding and to provide plenty of opportunities for interaction between industry and academy. Two technical visits are included as well of other interactive sessions.

The summer school is open for PhD students at Danish, Norwegian and Swedish universities as well as for engineers in the industry in Denmark, Norway or Sweden. 

As a PhD student you could count the summer school as a part of your education after agreement with your supervisor. The supervisor formally has to register a special course at your university.

The GasAkademin summer  is arranged by Energiforsk - Swedish Energy Research Center (successor to the Swedish Gas Technology Centre, SGC), which is a national coordinator of R&D for the energy sector. The summer school is sponsored economically by a handful of Swedish gas companies as well as by a number of academias. PhD students and/or employees from the sponsors are allowed to participate for the reduced price. For all others full price apply.

This year the summer school will take place at PerOlofGården in Åsbro, Askersund municipality a few kilometers south of the national rail junction Hallsberg. There are buses each hour connecting Åsbro with Halsberg. Closest airport is Örebro.
Here is a guide to visit Askersund

Find the programme, updated July 1st, here (open as pdf). The programme may be subject to changes in the details. 

6 000 SEK+VAT. Full fee
3 000 SEK+VAT. Reduced fee for participants from sponsoring organisations

The fee includes breakfast Tuesday to Friday, lunch Monday to Friday, "fika", dinner Monday to Thursday, accomodation in double room and a social activity. Bring suitable clothes for this. You will have good possibilities to go for a swim, so bring along your bathing suits. The rooms are of good standard. We place people two by two in the rooms. 

Register today to secure your participation in an intensive and memorable summer school in Beautiful summer-Sweden.

EON Gas Sverige, Swedegas, Energigas Sverige, Göteborg Energi, Öresundskraft, Kraftringen, Gasnätet Stockholm as well as Borås university, Linköping university, Lund university, Mälardalen university, Karlstad university, Swedish university of Agricultural Sciences, KTH – Royal Institue of Technology and Örebro university. 


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