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8 februari, Teams

Ancillary services from nuclear facilities

Welcome to a members-only webinar on Ancillary services from nuclear facilities. This is a subject that has been requested by the members of Energiforsk’s Gino programme as ancillary services is an important tool for providing system stability. This brings new challenges and possibilities for different types of power production. At this webinar, we will discuss prerequisites for the nuclear industry to provide stability in the future Nordic energy system.

Webinar programme:

  • Introduction: Energiforsk
  • Ancillary services present work at Svenska kraftnät: Henrik Ekeström, Svenska kraftnät
  • Future development and possibilities for nuclear to provide ancillary services: John Sjölander, Svenska kraftnät
  • Break
  • Discussion
  • Conclusions and possible actions for GINO

In the discussion, you will have the opportunity to discuss your experiences and thoughts about future ancillary solutions with your industry colleagues.



11 mar

18 mar
Ångströmlaboratoriet, Uppsala
Hydropower R&D days 2025