
Consortium materials technology for thermal energy processes, KME

This consortium was at the forefront of developing materials technology to create maximum efficiency for energy conversion of renewable fuels and waste.

KME focused on developing material technology to create maximum efficiency for energy conversion of renewable fuels and waste. KME had its sights firmly set on continuing to raise the efficiency of long-term sustainable energy as well as ensuring international industrial competitiveness.

Because the challenge of implementing environmentally sustainable energy was both complex and vital, the KME consortium is financed by the Swedish Energy Agency together with stakeholders from the energy industry, manufacturers of systems and components for energy conversion and material producers.

The programme was operated and managed by Energiforsk. During the programme period of 2018 and 2022, five industry-relevant projects were conducted. The projects covered a wide range of research areas, such as the mechanical behaviour and corrosion of various materials in different high-temperature environments, as well as the performance of different coating materials.

The Swedish translation of KME: Konsortium Materialteknik för Termiska Energiprocesser.

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Hänt inom programmet

Sulfur Recirculation cut corrosion rates

Sulfur Recirculation has been shown in this project to decrease the high temperature corrosion rates, which may increase green electricity production from combustion of biomass and waste in the future, KME 714.

10 jan 2018

Improved superheater material selection

Decreasing corrosion in waste-to-energy plants through improved superheater material selection and a new superheater position - resulting in increased production of heat and power (partly CO2 neutral) combined with environmentally sustainable disposal of waste, KME 709.

8 jan 2018

Research on cracks in cast superalloys

News and results from the project LCF and TMF crack growth in cast nickel-based superalloys, KME-702.

3 nov 2017 - Värme och kyla

Effective utilization of high temperature coatings for high gas turbine engine performance

News from the projekct Durable MCrAlX coatings for demanding applications in gas turbines, KME-703.

2 nov 2017

New nickel-base superalloys enables more efficient gas turbines

News and results from the project Weldability of nickel-base superalloys for energy applications, KME-706.

2 nov 2017

Welding and weldability of nickel-base superalloys

News från Development of weldability assessment and understanding of hot cracking in boiler and gas turbine materials, KME-719.

2 nov 2017

New coating in CHP plants enables increased energy efficiency

Project title and number: Composite Metal Polymer, CMP for non-stick improvements in CHP plants, KME-715.

13 okt 2017 - Värme och kyla

Investigation of the influence of heavy metals on corrosion ensures reliable power plant operation

Project title and number: Intermediate temperature corrosion in used-wood fired boilers – the influence of lead, zinc and their chlorides, KME-717.

13 okt 2017

Möten mellan forskare och företag en framgångsfaktor

–Det är ett otroligt lyckat upplägg när många företagsintressenter med olika perspektiv, intressen och kunskap löser problem tillsamman med forskare, säger Bertil Wahlund programansvarig för KME efter en konferens om utvecklingen av materialteknik för att effektivisera termiska energiprocesser som hölls i veckan.

24 mar 2017 - Värme och kyla

Minskade kostnader och bättre miljöprestanda med returträ

Det används mer och mer returträ som bränsle i kraftvärmeverken, men returträ orsakar problem med korrosion i eldstaden. Nu har forskarna hittat nya sätt att minska underhållskostnaderna och att samtidigt öka elverkningsgraden.

13 mar 2017 - Värme och kyla

Documentation from the KME-HTC Research Symposium, March 15-16, 2016

The documentation of the KME-HTC conference is now available for all participants. The visit to Örtoftaverken was well appreciated. Read about the exciting results from the research programmes.

11 feb 2016 - Värme och kyla

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Bertil Wahlund
08-677 27 52

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Participating companies

Babcock & Wilcox Vølund A/S
Calderys AB
Höganäs AB
MH Engineering AB
Sumitomo SHI FW Energia Oy
Valmet Technologies Oy

Energy companies participating via Energiforsk:

Falu Energi & Vatten AB
Jämtkraft AB
Karlstads Energi AB
Kraftringen AB
Mälarenergi AB
Stockholm Exergi AB
Tekniska verken i Linköping AB
Vattenfall AB
Ørsted Bioenergy and Thermal Power A/S

Participating universities and institutes

Chalmers University of Technology
University West
Linköping University
Rise IVF