

Taking Non-destructive Evaluation to the next generation

Non-destructive Evaluation (NDE) is widely used in the nuclear power industry for routine maintenance, asset management and in-service assessments. The NDE industry is constantly evolving its tools and techniques with the integration of new and emerging automation technology.

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Cyber insecurity in the nuclear power generation industry: An urgent call for strengthened defences

Nuclear Power industry faces an increasing threat from cyber insecurity. Nuclear power plants are highly complex systems that rely heavily on computer networks and digital control systems to manage operations. These systems present numerous entry points for potential cyber-attacks. Key vulnerabilities in Nuclear Power Plants are ICS, supply chain risks and insider threats.

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DigiDECOM 2024

DigiDECOM is an international workshop focusing on digital technologies in nuclear decommissioning. The event will be held 12.-15.11.2024 in Halden, Norway. Registration is now open.

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Tokamak Energy developing new laser technology

Tokamak Energy is developing new laser measurement technology crucial for controlling extreme conditions inside future fusion power plants and delivering clean energy to the grid. The new laser-based dispersion interferometer system is currently being tested at Tokamak Energy's Oxford headquarters before being installed on its world record-breaking fusion machine ST40 later this year.

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Stripping liners safely for decommissioning using 3-D tools

Stripping a liner of an unknown type of rubber from a vessel presented a major challenge in terms of radiation. There were two potential methods: the utilization of robotics or the use of 3-D tooling. The 3-D tool, using 360-degree rotation and high-pressure water jetting, was selected. The project was completed with 100% of the liner removed within the time frame allowed. The major success of the assignment was, that there were no health and safety concerns or incidents.

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Nuclear future: the power lies in digital transformation

New nuclear power generation as well as extending the life time of the existing reactors is needed to meet net zero climate target. Digital transformation plays an essential role in reshaping nuclear industry, but there must be a clear focus on changing mindset and overcoming several barriers.

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How 3D scanning has made ambitious energy engineering a reality

The Spanish nuclear company ENSA designs components for ITER tokamak fusion reactor. Designing the components and assembling them together requires extreme accuracy and therefore ENSA has ended up to utilize 3D scanning techniques such as laser scanning and photogrammetry.

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Digital twin of STEP fusion machine to be created

STEP is a fusion power plant concept planned by the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority. In order to ensure effective analysis and robust design, the UKAEA has begun collaboration with Intel, Dell and the University of Cambridge to apply next-generation high performance computing for creating digital twin of STEP.

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Using AI and robotics to help tackle Britain’s biggest nuclear challenge

Sellafield nuclear site in the United Kingdom is utilizing robotics and artificial intelligence in decommissioning tasks widely. Rav Chunilal, head of robotics and AI at Sellafield explains the role of the new technology at their site.

Read more in the New Statesman

DigiDECOM 2023

DigiDECOM is an international workshop focusing on digital technologies in nuclear decommissioning. The event will be held 24.10.–26.10.2023 in Helsinki, Finland, organized jointly by IFE and VTT. Registration is now open.

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Robots, AI and 3D Models: How High-tech Breakthroughs Help Nuclear Decommissioning

Description automatically generated The new emerging technologies such as robots, artificial intelligence and advanced 3D models are being utilized in nuclear decommissioning projects. For example, the Norway's Institute for Energy Technology, which was nominated as IAEA Collaborating Centre, is using different kind of digitalization technologies in knowledge management for nuclear decommissioning.

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KHNP Teams Up with ETRI on Tech Cooperation for Digital Transformation of Nuclear Industry

Description automatically generated Korean Hydro & Nuclear Power and the Korean Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute have signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in different technological areas. The collaboration includes digital transformation of small modular reactors.

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Why digitalization is crucial to the nuclear industry delivering on its potential

Sam Stephens from SNC-Lavalin is arguing that the nuclear industry is risking its competency if it does not succeed in digital transformation. He presents how the nuclear industry could benefit in different areas by adopting digital tools and methods.

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Switch, EDF’s digital transformation program serving the transformation of nuclear engineering

EDF launched a digital transformation program in nuclear engineering in 2018 as a part of the group’s overall strategy to achieve CO2 neutrality by 2050. Bruno Lièvre from EDF describes the program’s challenges and the next steps.

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Vectrona to Develop a Digital Training Transformation Roadmap for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Vectrona is going to study possibilities of mixed reality in training purposes. The study is ordered by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and it will contain training capability assessment, feasibility study and return on investment analysis.

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IAEA Launches Initiative to Advance Tech Breakthroughs in Nuclear Decommissioning

Several nuclear reactors are moving to decommissioning phase worldwide in the near future. New emerging digital technologies offer safer and more efficient way to do decommissioning work. Therefore, International Atomic Energy Agency is facilitating a global initiative to understand possibilities more thoroughly.

Read more in IAEA’s news center

DigiDecom 2022

DigiDecom is an international workshop focusing on digital technologies in nuclear decommissioning and waste management. The event will be held 18.10.–20.10.2022 in Halden, Norway. Sign up is open.

Read more in DigiDecom 2022 event site