
Exploring vibrations in power plants with Professor Rainer Nordmann

Energiforsk and Professor Rainer Nordmann have arranged a one-day-lecture tour of Sweden and Finland on turbogenerator vibrations. The aim was to provide essential knowledge for nuclear power plant staff, ensuring they can effectively manage operational challenges, enhance safety, and strengthen resilience.

Understanding vibrations in turbogenerators and pumps within nuclear power plants is crucial for safe and efficient operation. A combination of technical complexity, specialization, limited data, regulatory focus, and evolving challenges contributes to the nuclear industry's ongoing need for more knowledge about vibrations.

Due to this lack of knowledge, Energiforsks programme Vibrations in nuclear applications has arranged a one-day lecture tour in Sweden and Finland, held by Professor Rainer Nordmann. The aim is to help technical staff understand and address these challenges.

– Professor Nordmann's lectures equip technical staff with vital skills to effectively manage turbogenerator vibrations, making nuclear power plants more resilient, says Energiforsk nuclear area manager Karin Westling.

Professor Nordmann is an expert in turbogenerator vibrations. His lectures cover four key topics which not only educate staff but also drive ongoing research efforts in the industry. The lectures highlight the industry's commitment to safety and excellence. By understanding and addressing turbogenerator vibrations, nuclear power plants can ensure safe and sustainable energy production.

– The documentation from these lectures serves as a vital resource, offering valuable insights and practical solutions for addressing turbogenerator vibrations in nuclear power plants. It can help professionals gain access to actionable knowledge that enhances safety, improves operational efficiency, and strengthens the resilience of nuclear energy infrastructure, says Karin Westling.

For those who did not attend the course can access the PowerPoint presentations.

Click here to access the Swedish lectures

Click here to access the Finnish lectures
